Software Solutions
Configure, Price, Quote
Intelligent quote response is easier than you think. Supplyframe CPQ is a quoting solution that offers unparalleled intelligence for electronics distributors and component manufacturers, backed by the world’s largest network of sourcing and engineering professionals.
Pricing Discipline provided by CPQ
Provide a Seamless Experience
Customers demand a low-touch, efficient process when they buy direct. Integrate your online and offline experiences for a seamless experience.
Empower Teams to Sell
Teams using Supplyframe CPQ reduce quote response times by 35% on average, creating more time to sell and engage new customers.
Unlock Valuable Intelligence
Access the right information, at the right place and the right time, to optimize pricing margins, and the overall quoting process.
Take Your Quote Process from Hours to Minutes
Supplyframe CPQ empowers distributors and component manufacturers with optimized price and product recommendations for a streamlined quote response process.
Realize the Benefits of Intelligent Quote Response
Revenue Lift
Margin Improvement
Time Saved on Quote Response
3-6 Months
Time to Value
Our flexible quoting capabilities are tailored to all aspects of global electronics, with purpose-built capabilities for Electronic Manufacturing Services providers.
How Supplyframe is Accelerating Digital Transformation For Today’s Industry Leaders
Download the case study to explore how Supplyframe is helping high-tech leaders transform their entire design-to-source process.