Software Solutions
Engineering Better Design Outcomes
Supplyframe's DesignSense solutions bring today’s engineers, component manufacturers, and distributors closer together. Engineers gain immediate access to design assets like 3D models, while manufacturers and distributors achieve a deeper understanding of active design cycles.
Engage With a Global Engineering Audience
Gain Visibility into Design and Sourcing Activity
Tap into Supplyframe’s global network of over 12 million engineering and sourcing professionals, with real-time insights into purchasing, consideration, and product research.
High Quality Design Assets for Engineers
Engineers receive free access to schematic symbols, PCB footprints and 3D models on Component Search Engine. Search PCB libraries that integrate with the ECAD tools you know and use every day.
A 360-Degree Customer Experience
Offer your teams a 360-degree view of their customers, both online and off, to deliver a seamless closed loop for both new and existing users.
The Engineer’s Digital Footprint
Engineers receive assets as part of DesignSense Models by downloading them for free from Component Search Engine. This activity builds a “digital footprint” on a global scale, allowing sales and marketing teams using Sales Intelligence to better understand what engineers are building, and where they are in their design process.
DesignSense Models
Build and distribute accurate design assets, including schematics, symbols, and 3D models, to a global audience of engineers.
Unmatched Reach and Influence
Improved Revenue Lift in the First Year
0 Million
Net New Sales Pipeline
Qualified Leads From Sales Intelligence
$0 Million
Generated LTV by Confirmed Design-ins
Reach up to 12 Million Engineering and Sourcing Professionals
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