Manufacturers, Suppliers & Distributors
Accelerate time to market, secure more design wins, and increase your market share.
Manufacturers, Suppliers & Distributors
Achieve a 360-degree View of Your Customers
Identify Engineering Activity and New Designs
New intelligence allows sales and marketing teams to better understand what engineers are building.
Identify Engineering Activity and New Designs
Reach New and Existing Markets
Expand brand awareness and audience reach with tailored advertising solutions.
Reach New and Existing Markets
A Streamlined Customer Experience
Purchasing and quoting benefit greatly from intelligence-driven processes that remove manual work and save time.
A Streamlined Customer Experience
Solutions for Electronics Manufacturers, Distributors, and Suppliers
Provide Intelligent Quote Response
Take your quote response from hours to minutes. Utilize optimized price and product recommendations for a streamlined experience.
Learn More about CPQ
Reach a Global Network
Understand Engineering Activity
Provide Intelligent Quote Response
Reach up to 12 Million Engineering and Sourcing Professionals
Supplyframe is the only partner that helps your brand reach a global network of engineers and buyers. Download the media kit to learn more!
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